CCSM Quarterly Newsletter – Fall 2023 Edition
Fall is a great time in Maine and we hope everyone is getting out to enjoy some of this beautiful weather! Lots still happening here at the CCSM. We are heading out to start our regional meetings starting with up north this Friday. We hope we see folks in person
Individuals Needed to Vote!
Do you favor amending Maine’s Constitution to remove a provision prohibiting a person under guardianship for reasons of mental illness from voting for Governor, Senators, and Representatives, which the United States District Court for the District of Maine found violates the United States Constitution and federal law?
Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services Stakeholder Session!
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services is pleased to invite you to provide input on as the Department updates the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services (Adult RoR) (LD 1080).
2023 Statewide Consumer Council Representatives & Local Council Officer Positions Elections Notice
2023 Statewide Consumer Council Representatives & Local Council Officer Positions Elections will be conducted throughout October at the Local Council offices.
Join Sweetser’s Peer Training Network Advisory Committee
Your input and perspective are needed. Help Sweetser’s Peer Training Network understand how to best serve those working in peer support roles throughout the state of Maine.
Research Study Opportunity
Interested in participating in more meaningful activities? The Copeland Center is looking for participants for a 12-session peer-delivered online in intervention.