Concept Draft: MH Peer Center RFPs

CCSM Issues Subcommittee Concept Draft
MH Peer Center RFPs

In the wake of two RFP cycles that included the first round of two RFPs that were pulled, there is clearly a disconnect between what OBH wants and what is written by potential bidders. If we truly want a peer-written RFP, we need to do more for center managers and staff to build their capacity to write correctly what the State is requesting. Because of this, often centers go through intense emotions attached to whether they receive an awarded contract or not and extensions due to delays in the contract process, etc. This negatively impacts center leadership and also takes them away from providing the important work that they do.

Center umbrella agencies may not want to bid on these services going forward if they get too cumbersome for their RFP team.

What could help?

  • Building peer leadership capacity for writing RFPs and articulating the work they are doing well.
  • Simplifying RFP writing/requirements dovetailed with more on-site review of what is happening in centers.
  • There needs to be more timely releases of RFPs.
  • National content experts for assists in writing RFPs.
  • If an RFP is not awarded, but OBH is re-issuing said RFP then feedback should be shared with the centers to give guidance on where they could improve.
  • More work needs to be done for contracts to be processed in a timely manner.

To submit feedback, ideas or a personal story relating to this issue statement, please send to the CCSM either by mail at: 219 Capitol St. Suite 7 Augusta, ME 04330 or email at [email protected].