Happy Spring everyone!
We are very glad to connect with all of you about the happenings at the CCSM. We have a variety of ways for you to be engaged with our organization. From Local Councils, to our legislative work, to writing issue statements and so many other projects so getting involved is easy! You don’t have to be connected to a local council to do the other committees (although we would love it if you can).
I want to take a moment to thank everyone that chooses to get involved. From our LC members, SCC representatives and staff those of you who take a risk and share your concerns with us as well as State Government and the Maine Legislature. Thank you for sharing what works for you! If you have not heard me say this before, I hope you hear it now. Your lived experience is your superhero power! That is what helps lawmakers, state government make positive change. We cannot be effective without your experiences being shared.
Don’t forget that the HOPE conference is May 17th 8am-430pm at the Augusta Civic Center. By the time you read this the registration site will be open.
We can’t wait to see you!