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Feedback Needed on Housing Issue Statement- First Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created the first draft of an issue statement regarding the importance of housing. To view the first draft, click HERE  Would you like to share your thoughts on this subject? Do you or someone you know have any personal story to

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Feedback Needed on New Housing Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding the importance of housing. To view the concept draft, click HERE Would you like to share your thoughts on this subject? Do you or someone you know have any personal story to share that

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Feedback Needed on First Draft of New CCSM Issue Statement

The CCSM has created the first draft of the Peer Centers and COSP Model issue statement and is looking for your feedback. To view the issue statement, click HERE Do you have any thoughts on this issue statement? Do you have any personal stories to share that relate to this

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Feedback Needed on Issue Statements

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has updated the first draft of our Telehealth issue statement and created a new issue statement concept draft around Maine Peer Centers adhering to the COSP model. To view the issue statement: “Telehealth“, click HERE To view the concept draft on Maine Peer

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Absentee Ballot Requests Now Available for the November Election

Election season has begun so time to make your voice heard! Do you want to vote but don’t want to go to the polls in November? You can now go to the State of Maine Secretary of State website to request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you! Click HERE for

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Feedback Needed on Telehealth Issue Statement (1st Draft)

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement first draft regarding Telehealth and inconsistencies with its usage around the state. To view the issue statement: “Telehealth“, click HERE Do you have any thoughts on each of these concept drafts? Do you have any personal

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Feedback Needed on New Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding inconsistencies with the use of Telehealth across the state. To view the issue statement, click HERE Do you have any thoughts on the concept draft? Do you or someone you know have any personal

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Request Your Absentee Ballot for the July 2020 Election

Courtesy of the League of Women Voters of Maine: The July primary and referendum election is now just three weeks away. If you plan to vote by mail, there is still time to request your absentee ballot online or by phone, but don’t wait too much longer. It can take

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Statement of Solidarity Against Racism & Discrimination

In light of recent events around the country, we put forth the following message: The Consumer Council System of Maine is deeply saddened and outraged about the recent killing of George Floyd and other incidents of racial & systemic violence happening around the country. Systemic violence against communities of color

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Caring for the Unseen – Mental Health During COVID-19: Town Hall Event Scheduled for 6/3/2020

Join our Executive Director, Simonne Maline, as she participates in a town hall event tomorrow night! Listen to her and others talk about mental health as it relates to COVID-19. There will be time for questions and answers via a chat option.  For more detailed info and/or to watch webinar,

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