Second Draft: Dedicated Mental Health (MH) Peer Services Funding Needs to Stay in MH Peer Services
Respond by September 11, 2023: A process needs to be developed within OBH that if an MH state-funded peer service(s) closes or is underspent in any way that those funds need to be reallocated to other MH peer recovery centers/services.
Second Draft: Parity of Peer Recovery Centers (mental health and substance use)
Respond by August 7, 2023: We are seeing fewer Mental Health Recovery Centers. We want to emphasize the need for more recovery opportunities NOT less! We do not want to have to fight our fellow peers for our very existence and growth!
First Draft: Parity of Peer Recovery Centers (mental health and substance use)
Peer MH Recovery Centers need to be increased, with transportation, education, technical assistance and organizational leadership.
First Draft: Dedicated Mental Health (MH) Peer Services Funding Needs to Stay in MH Peer Services
Respond by August 7, 2023: When the Waterville Peer MH Recovery Center (held by NAMI ME) closed, the monies were not reallocated for peer services. There are so few dedicated dollars for peer services in the mental health community that we are concerned that what little we have should stay in our community to pay for needed mental health peer centers/services.
Concept Draft: Critical Shortage of Stable Housing and Related Services
Respond by July 7, 2023: In the Farmington area and beyond, the availability of permanent stable housing and related services remains critically low.
Concept Draft: Dedicated Peer Services Funding Should Stay in Peer Services
Respond by July 7, 2023: CCSM recently learned that when the Waterville Peer Recovery Center (held by NAMI ME) closed, the monies were not reallocated for peer services.
First Draft: Parity of Peer Recovery Centers (Mental Health and Substance Use)
Respond by July 7, 2023: There are 20 SUD Recovery Centers in existence or coming into being in Maine, almost all came into being in the last few years. Conversely, on the Mental Health Recovery Center side, we are seeing fewer centers.
Legislative Action Needed to Pass LD 540
INDIVIDUALS NEEDED TO URGE THEIR LEGISLATORS TO PASS LD 540: “An Act to Establish Peer Respite Centers for Adults with Mental Health Challenges in Maine” The good news is that the Health and Human Services Committee has voted unanimously to pass this bill out of their committee. Next, it will
Legislative Action Alert: LD1626
LD 1626: “An Act to Standardize Requirements Between Boards of Visitors for County Jails and Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities”
HEARING INFORMATION Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | 1:00 PM
Judiciary Committee (State House Room 436)
LD 1626: “An Act to Standardize Requirements Between Boards of Visitors for County Jails and Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities”
HEARING INFORMATION Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | 1:00 PM
Judiciary Committee (State House Room 436)
Trauma Informed Care Issue Statement – Final Draft
The CCSM has created the final draft of an issue statement regarding the need for more systemic work on trauma informed practices in the state. To view the concept final draft: PDF Document – Click HERE | Word Document- Click HERE