Earn a $10 Amazon Voucher for participating!

The Electoral Psychology Observatory (EPO) at the London School of Economics, invites you to participate in their American based research! They are looking for people with mental health difficulties and/or learning disabilities to share their views and experiences on voting and going to the polling station.
All participants will receive a $10 Amazon voucher as a thank you for participation.
Interviews will take place virtually (either over the phone or on Zoom) and will last around 40 minutes. Participants will not be asked questions about who they vote for or what political party they agree with. Interviews will be recorded, but are completely confidential, with names later redacted to protect personal information.
If you would like to participate in an interview, please send them an email at [email protected].
The Electoral Psychology Observatory (EPO) at the London School of Economics a unique organization which was launched in February 2020 and works with some of the world’s leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and electoral organizations (including the UK, Australia, South Africa, and Los Angeles County). Our research team specializes in understanding and optimizing the electoral experience of voters using cutting edge methodologies.
Currently, we are conducting a series of studies focusing on the accessibility of voting, particularly among disadvantaged groups and those with special needs, and would like to reach out to you for help in accomplishing our research goals.
If you would like to know more about EPO and the research that they do, you can visit their website by clicking the box below…
Please Note: This research project is not sponsored or conducted by the Consumer Council System of Maine. Please send all questions and inquiries to the email above. ~Thank you