Farmington Local Council-May Meeting Cancelled

Please note: Due to unforseen circumstances, the Farmington Local Council Meeting scheduled for today (April 20, 2021) has been cancelled! Their next meeting will be held on May 18, 2021 from 2:30-4:30 PM. For more meeting information, click HERE Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.

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Feedback Needed on Housing Issue Statement- First Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created the first draft of an issue statement regarding the importance of housing. To view the first draft, click HERE  Would you like to share your thoughts on this subject? Do you or someone you know have any personal story to

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Online Community Forums Scheduled-Consent Decree Update

We invite the peer community to come learn about changes to Maine’s Consent Decree. This affects everyone using adult mental health services in Maine not just consent decree members. This forum is meant for peers/consumers but others are welcome to attend and listen. Disability Rights Maine and the Consumer Council

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CCSM Releases report on “Re-imagining the Adult Mental Health System”

In August 2020,  the CCSM hosted seven forums across the state that focused on the theme  “Re-inventing the Adult Mental Health System”. Information gathered from the participants of these forums, helped us identify nine major areas that need improvement within Maine’s adult mental health system. All data was compiled and

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Feedback Needed on New Housing Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding the importance of housing. To view the concept draft, click HERE Would you like to share your thoughts on this subject? Do you or someone you know have any personal story to share that

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Governors Office Releases Status of Mental Health Consent Decree

The Governor’s office recently released a press release on the status of Maine’s mental health consent decree and a recent agreement that was reached. Courtmaster Wathen also released his progress report on the consent decree. To view press release and agreement, click HERE To view court master’s report, click HERE

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Happy Holidays…

A reminder that the CCSM office will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 24th and Friday, Dec. 25th for the holiday! We will re-open on Monday, Dec. 28th at 9:00 AM.

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Request Your Absentee Ballot for the July 2020 Election

Courtesy of the League of Women Voters of Maine: The July primary and referendum election is now just three weeks away. If you plan to vote by mail, there is still time to request your absentee ballot online or by phone, but don’t wait too much longer. It can take

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Statement of Solidarity Against Racism & Discrimination

In light of recent events around the country, we put forth the following message: The Consumer Council System of Maine is deeply saddened and outraged about the recent killing of George Floyd and other incidents of racial & systemic violence happening around the country. Systemic violence against communities of color

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