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Legislative Action Alert

Public Hearing: March 25 @ 1:15 PM in Room 206 of the Burton Cross Building.

An Act to Increase Bridging Rental Assistance Program Housing Voucher Funding to Reduce the Current Partial Waiting List and Increase Housing Vouchers for Persons Living with Mental Health Challenges

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Concept Draft: Psychiatric Advance Directive

Issue: Peers in the mental health sphere deserve to have autonomy over their medical decisions. To facilitate better mental health care, a process needs to be utilized prior to a crisis. The absence of a standardized, person-centered psychiatric/mental health advanced directive (PAD) process leaves individuals experiencing mental health crises without

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Final Issue: Bad Credit Affecting Ability to Thrive

Bad credit creates problems for employment, security clearances, etc. We recommend creating and using an alternative reporting system that includes other documentation to gain a fuller perspective of an individual rather than the single view of not paying on time.

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Second Draft: Bad Credit Affecting Utilities Accessibility

DEADLINE TO RESPOND: Monday, Marth 10th Second Draft: Bad Credit Affecting Utilities Accessibility. If a person has bad credit, it can mean a deposit is required for utilities to be connected. This can create problems for employment, security clearances, housing, mental health, and other issues.

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Second Draft: Lack of Flexible Hours in Mental Health Peer Support and Recovery Programs

DEADLINE TO RESPOND: Monday, January 6th Second Draft: Lack of flexible hours in Mental Health Peer Support and Recovery Programs
We have heard from our fellow mental health peers they would like to see more diversity of when peer support and recovery programs are open with evening or weekend hours.

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First Draft: Lack of Flexible Hours in Mental Health Peer Support and Recovery Programs

DEADLINE TO RESPOND: Monday, December 11th First Draft: Lack of flexible hours in Mental Health Peer Support and Recovery Programs
We have heard from our fellow mental health peers that they would like to see more diversity of when peer support and recovery programs are open.

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Concept Draft: Lack of Flexible Hours in Peer Support and Recovery Programs

DEADLINE TO RESPOND: Monday, November 11th. Many people would like to access peer support groups and programming when it works for them. Daytime, Monday through Friday, may work for most but not all. Could peer organizations have some evening hours or weekends?

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Final Draft: Peer Support Option for Peers Dealing with DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) / CPS (Child Protective Services)

Peer support for peers dealing with DHHS/CPS could result in fewer children being separated from their parent/s, less trauma for all, and more in-home supports for families.

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Final Draft: Long Stays in Hospital Emergency Department (ED) Hallways

We recommend using primary care providers and urgent care for mental health care to reduce long emergency department hospital stays. We also recommend preventative measures and increased accessibility to efficient help.

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Second Draft: Peer Support Option for Peers Dealing with DHHS/CPS

DEADLINE TO RESPOND: Monday, October 7th: A Peer Support Option is needed for peers dealing with DHHS/CPS. CPS training could show that a parent with a mental health diagnosis can provide a safe and loving home and Peer Support can provide beneficial assistance which could improve outcomes.

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