Lewiston/Auburn Local Council Meeting 4/8/24 is Zoom ONLY

You may attend this local council meeting via Zoom. 

To join by video, click the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8938611710

To join by phone only (no computer needed), dial: 1-929-205-6099

Enter Webinar / Meeting ID# when prompted: 893 861 1710

No Password Needed!


Do you or have you received mental health services? Do you want to help us advocate for change to Maine’s adult mental health system at the state level?

You are invited to attend a local council meeting…

We need your help in advising the state regarding mental health public policy changes, where/how money is spent on mental health services, and the design of new programs/initiatives.

We want to hear from you!

Come and discuss topics related to Maine’s adult mental health programs, services, and local/statewide issues as it pertains to the mental health system.

Your voice CAN make a difference!
Our voices together can make a greater impact!

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