Peer Advocate Legislative Education Day

Mental Health Matters

Come join us and have a chance to talk to legislators about what matters to you most…..

February 20, 2024, 8 am – 4 pm Hall of Flags

You Are Invited…

We hope you will come and talk to Maine legislators about your lived experience and give them your feedback about Maine’s mental health system. For example: what is working, what are some challenges and what services would you like to see in the future (including all things peer support)!

Wear Green

We are asking you to show your solidarity by wearing a green shirt if you can! We will be providing green beads to wear!

Download a Shareable PDF Flyer

Sponsored by…

Disability Rights Maine PAC, PAIMI Advisory Council
Consumer Council System of Maine
Maine Association of Peer Support & Recovery Centers
Intentional Peer Support Advisory Committee
Youth Peer Support Statewide Network

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