Public webinar offered by Maine Medical Center’s Department of Vocational Services

April 16, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m
CART captioning provided
Maine Medical Center’s Department of Vocational Services is pleased to announce a public webinar for service providers and SSI/SSDI beneficiaries who want to learn how disability benefits are impacted by the recent COVID-19 economic recovery bills. The webinar will address questions such as:
- How do Economic Impact Payments Impact Public Benefits?
- How do SSI/SSDI beneficiaries get their Economic Impact Payment?
- How does Unemployment Insurance (UI) Impact Public Benefits?
- What Social Security Services Are Being Impacted By COVID-19?
- Should I Report my Job Loss or Change in Pay to Benefits Agencies?
- Trusted websites for COVID-19 information about public benefits
Presenter: Stephanie Desrochers is the Program Coordinator for Benefits Counseling Services, a statewide service to help Maine SSI/SSDI beneficiaries understand how working affects their Social Security disability and other public benefits. For more information, visit
This webinar is being recorded for those cannot attend or if maximum attendance is reached. If you are unable to participate, please email [email protected] and you will receive a link to the webinar recording when it is available.
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Audio Conference Details:
Conference Number: 1-877-455-0244
Participant Code: 2072876768
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