Share your experiences about what is working, what you want, what isn’t working and what your concerns are!
We are encouraging the community to:
- Write and give testimony or,
- Come and speak from your heart without written testimony or,
- Show up to support others who are speaking
(Oral testimony should be limited to 2-3 minutes. Written testimony can be longer)
Let the legislature know we want action NOW!
We are the most important people the legislature needs to hear from. We should be integral in designing the mental health system in Maine. DHHS and the Legislature need to be engaging the consumer community in significant dialogue and that is currently not happening. Let’s change the conversation!
This is a rare opportunity to have your voices heard in front of 5 legislative committees at once!
LD 1602: “Resolve, Establishing the Working Group on Mental Health”
Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 4:00 PM
Statehouse- Room 228
Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee
(This hearing is scheduled later in the day due to the need for legislators to do session and committee work earlier in the day and to allow for all 5 committees to be available and present to hear people speak)
The following committees will be in attendance at the hearing:
- Health & Human Services
- Appropriations & Financial Affairs
- Criminal Justice/Public Safety
- Judiciary
- Education
This resolve establishes the Working Group on Mental Health to assess the State’s capacity to serve Maine citizens with behavioral health needs and propose a comprehensive mental health plan for the State.
Submitting in Written Testimony
If you would like to send in written testimony, please note that the process has changed beginning April 22, 2019!
For your convenience, a new submission form is available 24/7 through the Maine Legislature’s website.
The new submission form can be accessed directly from the Legislature’s home page, by clicking HERE.

This system will automate the distribution of electronic testimony to the committee members, analysts, and clerks. Testimony will continue to be included in the public record for committee meetings.
If you are planning to attend the hearing and provide paper copies, please do not submit your testimony electronically.Testimony submitted on-line the day of the public hearing will be posted to the internet. Do not include personal information that you do not want made public. Materials subject to copyright protections will be removed before posting to the web site, but they will be included in the record and the email forwarded to committee members. Testimony emailed directly to the committee clerk will not be included in the public record, forwarded to the committee members or posted to thewweb page. Materials subject to copyright protections will be removed before posting to the web site, but they will be included in the record and the email forwarded to committee members.
For questions or assistance about using the new system, please contact the Legislative Information Office: 287-1692.