Is the focus of the CCSM primarily on the public Adult Mental Health System?
Yes, the main focus of the CCSM is on public adult mental health services. However, there will be times when the CCSM focuses on issues (i.e. Co-Occurring Disorders) that call for collaboration with other programs and groups.
Are Statewide Consumer Council (SCC) meetings open to the public?
Answer: Yes, all meetings are public meetings, and guests are welcome. Visitors are asked to abide by the Guest Guidelines the SCC has established. CLICK HERE to view the Guest Guidelines (PDF).
Can a local council help me with my case manager, psychiatrist, therapists, and transportation to appointments, or medication management?
Answer: No, the CCSM cannot help members with appointments, case managers, therapists, etc. The function of the CCSM is to have an independent voice in the development of public policy and funding decisions.
Can providers or other non-consumers come to Statewide or Local Council meetings?
Answer: Any community member is invited to attend CCSM meetings. Non-consumer guests do not have voting rights at any CCSM meeting, but anyone who self-identifies as a present/past recipient of mental health services may vote at meetings.
What if I want to attend a local council meeting but do not have transportation? Can I call a staff member and ask them to give me a ride?
Answer: Each local council has a transportation plan to get individuals to meetings. You can contact our Outreach Coordinator, who will help you connect with a local council member that may be able to provide transportation. Staff does not provide transportation, as it is each Local Council’s responsibility to help out fellow peers.
Am I eligible for mileage reimbursement for attending local council meetings?
Answer: Any consumer who attends CCSM Local Council meetings in their area is eligible for round trip mileage reimbursement at 44 cents per mile. Individuals who transport others to Local Council meetings are also allowed a $5 reimbursement for each person they bring. Mileage forms are available at your local council meeting or by contacting the CCSM office.