Take Action

Feedback Needed On New Employment Barriers Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding barriers to employment for people with mental health challenges. To view the concept draft: PDF Document – Click HERE  | Word Document- Click HERE Would you like to share your thoughts on this subject? Do

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Feedback Needed on Telehealth Issue Statement-First Draft

Feedback on this issue statement is now closed. A final draft was created and approved by the Statewide Consumer Council (SCC) then sent to the Office of Behavioral Health on 12/17/2021. The CCSM has created a first draft of the issue statement regarding the importance of MaineCare continuing to cover

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Feedback Needed on new Telehealth Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding the importance of MaineCare continuing to cover telehealth option for members when and where it is appropriate. To view the telehealth concept draft: PDF Document – Click HERE  | Word Document- Click HERE Would you

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Feedback Needed on Advance Directives Issue Statement-Second Draft

Feedback on this issue statement is now closed. A final draft was created and approved by the Statewide Consumer Council (SCC) then sent to the Office of Behavioral Health on 8/30/2021.  The CCSM has created a second draft of the issue statement regarding the need in Maine for education and technical assistance

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Feedback Needed on new Advance Directives Issue Statement-First Draft

First Draft Feedback Closed: Feedback now being accepted on the 2nd draft document, which can be found under the “Take Action” tab. We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a first draft of the issue statement regarding the need in Maine for education and technical assistance to

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Feedback Needed on Peer Recovery Centers Issue Statement- Second Draft

Feedback on this issue statement is now closed. This draft will be brought to the SCC for a final vote in August 2021. We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a second draft of the issue statement regarding the lack of equitable access to Mental Health Peer

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Feedback Needed on new Advance Directives Issue Statement Concept Draft

Concept Draft Feedback Closed: Feedback now being accepted on the 1st draft document, which can be found under the “Take Action” tab. We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding the need in Maine for education and technical assistance to offer

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Feedback Needed on Peer Recovery Centers Issue Statement- First Draft

1st Draft Feedback Closed: Feedback now being accepted on the 2nd document draft, which can be found under the “Action Alert” tab. We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a first draft of the issue statement regarding the lack of equitable access to Mental Health Peer Recovery

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CALL TO ACTION: INDIVIDUALS NEEDED TO TESTIFY!! We are encouraging the CCSM community to write and give testimony! Have your voice heard! LD 1586: An Act To Strengthen Statewide Mental Health Peer Support, Crisis Intervention Mobile Response and Crisis Stabilization Unit Services and to Allow E-9-1-1 To Dispatch Using the

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Feedback Needed on new “Lack of Equitable Access” Issue Statement Concept Draft

We want to hear from you! The CCSM has created a new issue statement concept draft regarding lack of equitable access to peer recovery centers across the state of Maine. To view the concept draft, “Lack of Equitable Access to Mental Health Peer Recovery Centers Across the State of Maine”,

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