CCSM Quarterly Newsletter-Summer 2023 Edition
Happy Summer everyone!
So many of us wait for these precious few months of summertime in Maine and I hope you get out and enjoy all that summer in Maine has to offer! The team of 4 of us here at the CCSM, while taking needed time off are still very busy with projects.
So many of us wait for these precious few months of summertime in Maine and I hope you get out and enjoy all that summer in Maine has to offer! The team of 4 of us here at the CCSM, while taking needed time off are still very busy with projects.
Notice of Special Lewiston LC Election – July 2023
The Lewiston Local Council elections will be conducted at the July 19, 2023, local council meeting. This is for a 2-year term to fill a vacancy on the Statewide Consumer Council Board for Lewiston members.
PASSED: LD 1626 “An Act to Standardize Requirements Between Boards of Visitors for County Jails and Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities
Legislative Update-LD 1626 “An Act to Standardize Requirements Between Boards of Visitors for County Jails and Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities” , a bill that was a collaboration between CCSM and MPAC (Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition) has been passed by the House and the Senate. It will now go to the Governor’s desk for signing. Please see the final language in the attached document.
Bangor Daily News: Maine needs to devote more resources to mental health
May was Mental Health Awareness Month, a time when organizations and individuals come together to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and promote access to resources for those struggling with mental illness.
Legislative Action Needed to Pass LD 540
INDIVIDUALS NEEDED TO URGE THEIR LEGISLATORS TO PASS LD 540: “An Act to Establish Peer Respite Centers for Adults with Mental Health Challenges in Maine” The good news is that the Health and Human Services Committee has voted unanimously to pass this bill out of their committee. Next, it will
Legislative Action Alert: LD 540
INDIVIDUALS NEEDED TO TESTIFY!! LD 540: “An Act to Establish Peer Respite Centers for Adults with Mental Health Challenges in Maine” HEARING INFORMATION Wednesday, April 5, 2023 | 1:00 PMJoint Standing Committee on Health & Human Services(Cross Building-Room 209) The CCSM is asking the peer community to provide testimony on this bill. This bill directs